Friday 8 May 2009

Normal service will resume

Hi everyone, sorry that it has been a bit quiet this week but I have been on nights.
Well on Tuesday we took Usko for his first vet visit and the start of his puppy jabs, he was super brave and only gave a tiny wince when the needle first went in. As usual there were a few people stopping us to say hello and have some puppy strokes which he loves.
Once back home Usko had a nice long sleep and I also had a bit of a nap too:)
This tired spell didn't last too long and he was soon on his feet and causing havoc again.
Usko has settled in very well and is eating much better now, we do find sometimes that a tiny smear of tuna oil helps if he is struggling with feeding.
The one big thing that we have taken note of over this first week is the amount of play time that we can have before Usko starts to get tired and nippy with us, and as the week has progressed we have found that as soon as he gets a bit ratty he will happily go in his crate and have a good sleep. I have been trying to read up on training issues when possible, and have been trying a few different approaches to stopping the biting issue and also the trying to dominate Connor like he would with a brother or sister.
We have had some helpful hints from Jo about how she dealt with this problem between Tarkka and Josh, sometimes it works and sometimes Usko can be a little more trying but over time I am sure that things will settle down to a happy medium.
I have been putting Usko's collar on for short periods and he seems to be adapting to the idea of wearing it quite well, we even had a few minutes of successful walking around the garden with the lead too today which is very promising.
The practice of sit command has worked very well especially with the promise of some beef treats for his troubles. He now nearly automatically gives a paw too when you ask him to sit for a treat which is just sooo cute......Vicky has been doing this with his dinner too whilst I have been on nights and he now knows that this is good etiquette before food. :)
There have been some fun and games for Vicky this week while I have not been here, On         
Tuesday evening he decided that he would teach himself to use the phone but when it didn't work for him just threw it across the kitchen floor, or maybe he was just trying to tell Vic to get off it for 5 mins and play with him. lol
Wednesday evening he had some visitors and so thought it would be nice to bring them a gift, they were not quite so impressed with the lump of dry poo which he had in his mouth for them. 
Usko has already mastered that if he has something which will not please us he can run past us as fast as possible and try and hide with it in a corner, such a little sneak!!!
As an added bonus for the week we found out today that Connor has chicken pox so that will make life doubly interesting for the next week, Connor got a bit upset today when Usko managed to eject his Batman game from the PS3 whilst in the middle of an important bit! oops!
All in all we have had a fantastic first week and after my long night shift on saturday night (9pm to 8am), it will be good to get back on to days and be able to give you more regular updates and carry on with our training and trying to help Usko through the teething and biting stage.
Well I hope that you are all enjoying our blog so far and there will be plenty more to come over the next few weeks and months.

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